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You can’t stop
the waves

…but you can learn to surf!

What we need
the most…

… is someone who enables us to do what we are capable of.

There is not “the one” way…

…to ride the waves.

What Big Wave Customers Say:
“Business coaching with Deborah brought me…

… clarity “


… increased my scope of action“


… increased performance“


… long-term pay-offs“


Big Wave Business Coaching

Benefit From the Power of the Waves

In a world that is constantly changing and subject to complexity and uncertainty, even experienced leaders face enormous challenges.

Hence challenges in the professional context are comparable to the waves in the ocean – unstoppable natural forces that affect us all and sometimes appear threatening and overwhelming. Although some of these challenges start out small but then quickly grow into a massive wave crest. Initially, they are barely noticeable, but suddenly they change everything.

The ability to navigate safely in this dynamic environment has become a crucial competitive factor.

Actually, it  seems so simple but it is often difficult to put into practice. You are wondering how to do?

There is no blueprint. Nevertheless, everyone can learn to deal confidently with crises, changes, and uncertainties and to make wise decisions.

Imagine surfing: You need someone to show you how to best use the dynamics of the wave to get the board gliding and successfully master the wave. Only then can you enjoy the unique surfing feeling.

As an experienced development partner, I stand by your side and accompany you in steering your area of responsibility towards success and achieving greater job satisfaction.

Big Wave Business Coaching: Sustainable Solutions

To successfully overcome leadership challenges, I get to the bottom of things and provide you with new perspectives and the big picture. My strength lies in combining emotion and objectivity to make wise decisions and to unite seemingly contradictory elements. I work with you to develop solutions that function in everyday work life and fit into your context, so that you can lead with composure and success in the long term.

My offer is aimed at entrepreneurs, managers, leaders, and personnel developers.

My Offer

How do you succeed in meeting the expectations of your (new) leadership position or as an entrepreneur while maintaining your personal values?

How do you master dealing with demanding personalities without provoking conflicts and still achieve your goals?

How do you manage to successfully position yourself and your area of responsibility in the competition?

As a Business Coach, I work with you to expand your repertoire of actions to successfully meet your challenges. I develop solutions with you that are tailored to your specific situation for more clarity, composure, and success.

Here is your opportunity to take action with my support.

How do you utilize team spirit to achieve your project goals?

How do you confidently handle performance issues or conflicts within the team?

How do you specifically activate the innovation potential in your team to encourage creative ideas and develop new approaches?

As a team coach, I support you in developing genuine teamwork and increasing job satisfaction. So that you and your team can achieve peak performance and fully utilize the innovation potential.

Here is your opportunity to take  action with my support.

How does your company cope with rapid growth, and how does your organization ensure that it keeps pace and continuously evolves?

How do you design the process of company succession or handover to ensure a smooth transition and long-term success?

How do you shape massive changes and the corresponding communication within the company or department so that they are not only effective but also generate enthusiasm and motivation among the employees?

As an experienced consultant with practical experience, I support you in planning and implementing your organizational development. So that you can overcome resistance and sustainably implement changes.

Here is your opportunity to move forward with my support.

“If you grasp the wave, you deploy your power purposefully and use the energy of the wave“

A Surfer

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